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Michael's Location: Office Visit In Boulder, CO
Service:Boulder Office Visit: New Patient Evaluation change

The initial evaluation fee includes 

- Review of lab results and medical records
- Creating your initial diet, lifestyle and supplementation program, which will be sent by email after the initial visit, for your review and approval
- Educational videos on lifestyle and supplementation

This is our first visit together, to discover where you've been, where you are, and where you'd like to go.
I like to be thorough, so please send by email to [email protected], or fax to 970 237 3062:
- Recent (past year) and relevant (even if older) medical records and test results (blood tests, scan reports, anything), 
- Any medications you are currently taking (bring the bottles or a clear list),
- Any supplements or herbs you have in the house (whether taking or not),
- A thoughtful list of all the areas you'd like to change or improve, things you'd like to work on or address
- A willingness to change, because without that no one can help you.

I look forward to our time together, and appreciate the privilege of helping you on your path.

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